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- Smoke in designated smoke areas.

- Properly dispose of smoking materials.

- Do NOT use open flames (candles, etc.)

- Do NOT overload electrical circuits.

- Plug high draw electrical appliances directly into an outlet.

- Repair or replace frayed or damaged wiring. 

- Avoid use of space heaters in the work place.

- Keep flammable liquids and combustibles stored properly.

- Keep work spaces tidy. Clutter can help spread fires.

- Clutter increases safety risks. 

- Empty trash cans when needed. 

- Know how to use a fire extinguisher.

- Know your companies emergency procedures.

- Know your companies address.

- If a fire alarm sounds, evacuate immediately.

- Using stairs, not elevators to evacuate. 

- Examine your workplace for fire hazards and eliminate them.

- Clear blocked EXIT's and fire escapes.

Upon completion of reviewing this information and videos with your management and employees, please submit a training roster.


Fire Prevention Bureau Questions or Concerns

Any questions or concerns regarding our Fire Prevention Bureau, inspections, investigations, public education or public information, please contact our Fire Prevention & Public Information Officer Mitchell Geissler at 985.256.4705




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